Tuesday, June 8, 2010

To Blog or Not to Blog....

Ok....so, for anyone that knows me, you know that I love to talk. Sometimes I feel compelled to tell the world....something. Sometimes that something is somewhat profound....more times, though, it's not. As of late, I haven't felt like I've had a creative outlet...and I need that.

I spend my days speaking and signing the words of others. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy my work most of the time...it allows me to go places I would never dream of going and meeting people that blow my mind. But sometimes, I need to talk about what *I* need to talk about. We all do. Again....everybody needs an outlet. So, I guess this is going to be mine....for the time being, anyway.

I don't think I'll have a theme just yet....just observations, thoughts, randomness and all that jazz. Comments are always welcome!

Seeing as I work with people who are Deaf and lots of my friends and family are Deaf, I'm going to make this a vlog as well....Thanks for the suggestion, Josh!

1 comment:

  1. i just showed the video to kendal (almost 3) and he said "i can't hear it!" so i told him that you were using sign language which meant that you were talking with your hands. he said "oooh!" and was glued to the screen. we watched it probably 4 times and then i made him stop.

    interesting that we have watched (and learned from) baby-sign dvds and books and flashcards and he's grown up with that, but he's never really seen a [live] interpreter before. so, anyway, i just wanted to tell you that he loved it! i hope i can find something/one he can watch and hear at the same time somewhere soon (around here). it'd be great to integrate that into his life.
